Digital Methods And Strategies For Audience And Communities Engagement In Arts And Cultural Heritage Research – Lecture by Claudia Cantale
April 12th between 4:30 and 7:00 p. m., room 709 in Via Nuova Marina 33 lecture by Claudia Cantale (Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell’Università degli Studi di Catania) Digital Methods And Strategies For Audience And Communities Engagement In Arts And Cultural Heritage Research.
Teams Meeting
Meeting ID: 314 155 702 389 – Passcode: Ex8Bfc
This lecture is part of the seminar INNOVATIVE TOOLS FOR ARCHAEOLOGY, ART HISTORY AND THEIR PUBLIC(S), curated by Rodolfo Brancato.
The workshop deals with digital strategies to analyse the CH and properly visualize, share and communicate it. Digital data and public(s) are deeply connected, and nowadays archaeologists are not only asked to build set of coherent digital data from the excavation and survey projects, but they have to foster methods for engaging new audiences and facing the global societal challenges. Digital tools may help to widen the horizons of the Cultural Heritage research practice, going beyond the mere reconstruction of the past and being able to detect and analyse the cultural and political frameworks by which we share and perpetrate historical memory.
Please note: the lecture by Giuseppe Scardozzi (CNR- ISPC), Remote Sensing e sistemi informativi per la ricerca e la conoscenza del paesaggio storico has been rescheduled on May 15th (between 10.30-12.30).