Metodi archeologici non-invasivi in paesaggi ‘difficili’ Lezione di Tesse Stek del KNIR-Reale Istituto Olandese di Roma, Università di Groningen
30 marzo 2023, ore 10.30-12.30, Aula ex Cataloghi Lignei, via Porta di Massa 1
La lezione sarà fruibile anche con Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 374 973 801 109
Passcode: 2RAr8f
Seminar 6. ARCHEOLOGY, SETTLEMENTS AND TERRITORIALANALYSIS The workshop aims to address the study of the relationship between ancient communities and their territorial context. Starting from the most recent debate on the processes that determine the birth and development of the settlements, the seminar program intends to provide students with the tools of analysis, historical, economic, social, political and cultural reconstruction essential to propose a methodologically correct reading of the investigated contexts. The chronological range extends from the prehistoric age to the late antiquity. Such studies will be carried out through different theoretical approaches and methodologies, using new technologies, applied both to on field research projects (archaeological excavations, surveys, etc.) both to laboratory in depth analyses.